FBI Cyber: Imposing Risk & Consequence

Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) AMANDA KNUTSON entered the FBI in 2010 as a Special Agent assigned to the Los Angeles Field Office. In 2019, SSA Knutson was selected as SSA for the Milwaukee Field Office to run the Cyber Task Force and the Computer Analysis Response Team (CART).
CHARLES TUBBS is a fellow Rotarian who joined our club in 2013. He is an expert in the areas of homeland security, policing, emergency management and human relations. He is an internationally recognized practitioner and brings expertise and education to public safety, emergency management and preparedness, community-oriented policing, crisis management, leadership, race/gender relations, school safely, and climate change.
Their presentation will cover some of the following items:
- the scope cybersecurity (What is the geographic area the FBI covers, how many staff do they have, what are the most common/most unusual types of cyber threats/cases they work on),
- what kind of challenges do they face in trying to keep ahead of technological advances used by hackers.
- How has AI helped prevent cyber attacks? And conversely: how does AI make hackers more effective and dangerous?
- Has the FBI played a role in investigating the recent ransomware attacks