Follow these instructions to make a donation to our club’s Madison Rotary Foundation in one of the categories below.
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS OPTION TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION. If you are making a donation to the Rotary International Foundation, you must do so on the Rotary International website. Contact the Rotary office with questions.
1) Select a donation category from the list below.
2) Click the yellow Donate tab.
3) Enter the donation amount in US dollars.
4) Click one of the following: “Donate with PayPal” if you have a PayPal Account OR click “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card” if you don’t have a PayPal Account and plan to use your credit or debit card.
5) Enter your card information.
6) Press “Donate Now”.
Annual Fund Drive
Synergy Scholarship Fund
Combination – Use this category to make one payment that would be divided up between categories. In “Add special instructions to the seller” field located just below the dollar amount, provide instructions on how the gift is split among the dollar amount of your gift. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS OPTION TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION. If you are making a donation to the Rotary International Foundation, you must do so on the Rotary International website. Contact the Rotary office with questions.


If you wish to make a gift via credit card and prefer not to use PayPal, contact the Rotary office to provide your credit card information (see contact info. at the bottom).


If you wish to make a gift of stock, contact the Rotary office (see contact info. at the bottom).

NOTE: Please do not use this option to make contributions to The Rotary International Foundation.

The Madison Rotary Foundation Brochure includes information on planned giving information.

The Madison Rotary Foundation was established in 1932 by members of the Rotary Club of Madison. The Foundation currently has assets of over $13 million and provides over $700,000 in grants and scholarships annually. The Madison Rotary Foundation receives gifts from members and others for its annual community grants campaign, memorials, scholarships and other Rotary projects. If you wish to make a gift that impacts the local community, make that gift to the Madison Rotary Foundation.

Grants and Programs Funded by our Madison Rotary Foundation in 2021-2022

Grant Amount Distributed
Swarsensky Award Grant $2,500
Youth Awards, including Wilson & Meade Awards $19,000
Ethics Symposium $6,775
Rotary Youth Exchange Program $5,100
Community Grants, including Ehlers & Zulty Grants $218,600
Opportunity Fund $5,000
International Project $23,683
Goodman 50+ Fitness Program $64,446
Four-Year Scholarship Program $388,000
EMS Scholar Grants $3,041
Kay Scholar Grants $3,107
Veterans Assistance Grants $4,700
For more information on what we fund, visit our Who We Are/Our Foundation page.

To obtain more information about how you can help the Madison Rotary Foundation carry out its mission, contact us at 608-255-9164.